Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Off Campus Dining!

Pizza, Pizza, Pizza!

Best Pizzeria In Bloomsburg


Tri-Pi is the newest addition to the Bloomsburg Pizza family, and by far the best. Located on 55 E. Main Street, BU students can't get enough of this delicious tasting food. Whether sober or feeling a bit loopy, Tri-Pi's phones are constantly ringing and there is never a dull moment. I wonder how Naps and Balzanos feel about the newest Pizza place being the number one in town!

An absolute favorite of many customers are the delicious spinach rolls that are made fresh daily!

Not a fan of spinach rolls? Try out the  cheesteak, tomato, onion and pepper homemade pizza!
Don't like this either? The newest favorite of BU students is the PRETZELLINI! The signature dish of Tri-Pi is too good to just have one of! Bring on the second, third and fourth one! After one bite you will be hooked!
Not too sure what sounds appetizing? Time to check out the full Tri-Pi Menu to pick out a tasty treat!


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