Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dining On Campus

Are you getting what you pay for?
 Bloomsburg Dining
Bloomsburg University offers different meal plans for students to have during theschool year. Most students, especially freshman and people living on campus, use the dining services on campus. There are several places to eat on campus, however, students still complain everyday about how the meal plans are a waste. Why? Because Bloomsburg could do a much better job with the dining on campus.

            There are 5 main dining services, Scranton Commons, Subway, Husky Lounge, Roongo’s, and Monty’s on upper campus. Meal plans range from around $900- $1,500. The standard one is around $1,400. Students pay a lot of money for these meal plans, yet, something is missing. With meal plans, students can also get flex dollars, usually the amount is $200. Most places, besides commons and roongos, require a meal and some flex, depending on what you order. Campus dining really rips you off. Commons is the only place on campus where you don’t need any flex to eat. Everywhere else, you are required to use your flex as well as a meal. By the middle of the semester, almost all students are running low on flex.All places on campus should only require that you use a meal. Places like Starbucks and Java City is where students should use it. “ This food honestly isn’t even that good, and I have to pay almost an extra $3 for my meal whenever I go anywhere but commons, it’s such a rip off!” said Rachel Policare, a sophomore at Bloomsburg. Commons should not be the only place that you do not need flex. Meal plans are already so expensive, why require Flex? Students complain almost every day how much flex they waste from eating on campus. More and more each year, people are starting to not get meal plans because they feel they are getting ripped off.“ My mom wouldn’t let me get a meal plan next year because I told her about the flex situation. She just didn’t understand why every place required you to use flex on top of your meal plan. “ said Conrad Berquist, a junior at Bloomsburg. 

            On top of it being a rip off and waste of money, the food at Bloomsburg is not very good. There have been several times where students have felt sick after eating anywhere on campus. One student found a piece of hair in a bagel they ordered from the Husky lounge one time. It should not be like this considering how much money people spend. “ I hate going to commons because it grosses me out, but now I have to all the time. I started the semester off with $200 on flex and am now out. Everytime I ate I would have to use around $2-3 dollars of my flex. It is such a rip off!” said Kelley Nelson, a junior at Bloomsburg. It would be much better, and make students much happier if things were to change. People should only be required to use a meal wherever they go.

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